Become Organized. Clean Your House. Exercise Your Body. Stop Procrastination Listen to this Sleep Hypnosis Track to Stop Procrastination and Get Motivated with Your Life.
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Begin w/ Music and an Audible Hypnosis Induction. Then shift to Ocean sounds and powerful subliminal suggestions for improving your life.
SUBLIMINAL / SUB-AUDIBLE means after the short, audible hypnosis induction you won't consciously hear the words underneath the background sounds BUT your subconscious mind WILL absorb the powerful suggestions and messages for Stopping Procrastination.
This video is about 8 Hours Of Cleaning House - Cure Procrastination Subliminal Sleep Hypnosis but It also covers the following topics: stop procrastination subliminal sleep sleep hypnosis to stop procrastinating 8 Hour Sleep Hypnosis
EXCERPTS: I am disciplined in my personal life I am disciplined in my healthy decisions I am disciplined in exercising my body I am disciplined in maintaining my relationships I am disciplined in my spirituality I am organized and logical I am disciplined I am clean and organized Cleanliness is discipline Discipline is organization Organization is Action Action is Success It feels good to have my house in clean order It feels good to have my work space clean It feels good to have my bills organized and paid It feels good to exercise my body daily My healthy, productive habits strengthen daily I love taking action on tasks I love taking action on my dreams I love taking action to help other people I love taking action daily to improve my life I avoid anything that wastes my time Everything I do is productive and healthy for me It feels awesome to be productive It feels awesome to be healthy I embrace minor discomfort I move through resistance I am persistent I am disciplined I take action I succeed I am disciplined in my eating habits I move through minor emotional discomfort to succeed It feels good to keep my living space clean I work up to my potential daily It feels good to gently push my capabilities It feels good to get stronger My good habits strengthen I keep my body clean I keep my house clean I keep my work space clean I move directly through procrastination When I hear that voice trying to divert me, I keep going I love organizing my life I love that everything in my life has a place and purpose ✅ About BlueSky Hypnosis. Using hypnosis, I help you reprogram your powerful unconscious mind to lose weight, release old pain, and feel freer, healthier, and happier.
Any problem you've ever encountered began earlier in this life or in a past life. Find the critical moment. Heal it and heal your life.
Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting on this content. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Copyright Notice: You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © BlueSky Hypnosis
Become Organized. Clean Your House. Exercise Your Body. Stop Procrastination Listen to this Sleep Hypnosis Track to Stop Procrastination and Get Motivated with Your Life.
For more information visit our website:
Begin w/ Music and an Audible Hypnosis Induction. Then shift to Ocean sounds and powerful subliminal suggestions for improving your life.
SUBLIMINAL / SUB-AUDIBLE means after the short, audible hypnosis induction you won't consciously hear the words underneath the background sounds BUT your subconscious mind WILL absorb the powerful suggestions and messages for Stopping Procrastination.
This video is about 8 Hours Of Cleaning House - Cure Procrastination Subliminal Sleep Hypnosis but It also covers the following topics: stop procrastination subliminal sleep sleep hypnosis to stop procrastinating 8 Hour Sleep Hypnosis
EXCERPTS: I am disciplined in my personal life I am disciplined in my healthy decisions I am disciplined in exercising my body I am disciplined in maintaining my relationships I am disciplined in my spirituality I am organized and logical I am disciplined I am clean and organized Cleanliness is discipline Discipline is organization Organization is Action Action is Success It feels good to have my house in clean order It feels good to have my work space clean It feels good to have my bills organized and paid It feels good to exercise my body daily My healthy, productive habits strengthen daily I love taking action on tasks I love taking action on my dreams I love taking action to help other people I love taking action daily to improve my life I avoid anything that wastes my time Everything I do is productive and healthy for me It feels awesome to be productive It feels awesome to be healthy I embrace minor discomfort I move through resistance I am persistent I am disciplined I take action I succeed I am disciplined in my eating habits I move through minor emotional discomfort to succeed It feels good to keep my living space clean I work up to my potential daily It feels good to gently push my capabilities It feels good to get stronger My good habits strengthen I keep my body clean I keep my house clean I keep my work space clean I move directly through procrastination When I hear that voice trying to divert me, I keep going I love organizing my life I love that everything in my life has a place and purpose ✅ About BlueSky Hypnosis. Using hypnosis, I help you reprogram your powerful unconscious mind to lose weight, release old pain, and feel freer, healthier, and happier.
Any problem you've ever encountered began earlier in this life or in a past life. Find the critical moment. Heal it and heal your life.
Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting on this content. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Copyright Notice: You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © BlueSky Hypnosis